Our goal is to provide music for liturgical celebrations so that the worship experience is enhanced. We do this in many ways, one of which is to strive to improve the quality of music constantly.
There are many skilled musicians that help to bring richness to our liturgy. Cantors, pianists, other singers, and instrumentalists contribute to our music program. Below you will find a listing of our various groups.
To satisfy the diversity of our congregation, traditional and contemporary music is selected, and a balance of familiar music and new music is chosen. Music is selected and presented with great care to enhance the message of the scriptures and engage the assembly in full and active participation.
We cooperate with and receive guidance from the Pastor, other celebrants, and members of our congregation. Respect and regard are given to our bishop and to official Church documents approved by the Vatican.
Join the St. Rita Youth Choir!!
The first rehearsal for Youth Choir will be on Sat. Oct. 26 at 10 a.m. in the church. We sing the next day on Sun. Oct. 27 at the 11:00a.m. Mass. The Youth Choir is open to all youth 3rd grade THROUGH high school.
This is a great opportunity to earn service hours. We will rehearse once or twice a month on a designated Sat. morning at 10am in the church. After rehearsal, we will have a snack and get time to socialize with other choir members. The Youth Choir typically sings at a Mass once a month.
Please contact Cheryl Hochstetler, (815) 721-3130 or email:, if you have any questions. Join us for music, fun praising God and FOOD!!
The Youth Choir is open to all youth grades 3-8. Rehearsals are once or twice a month on a designated Sat. morning at 10 a.m. in the church. The Youth Choir sings for Mass once a month. Additional Masses may also be scheduled. The Youth Choir is directed and organized by Cheryl Hochstetler, (815) 721-3130, or email:
The St. Rita Parish Choir sings at Mass periodically for Christmas, Easter, and special feast days. Rehearsals are scheduled as needed. The Parish Choir is directed and organized by Cheryl Hochstetler, (815) 721-3130, or email:
The St. Rita Contemporary Choir consists of singers and instrumentalists. The Contemporary Choir is directed and organized by Olivia Sturges, email: